Der Dieb des Lichts

Genere: Feature film / Trailer
Anno: 2010
Durata: 02:18 min
Descrizione: A small village, somwhere in Khirgizia. It′s the home of shrewd electrician Svet-Ake, endearingly called "Mr. Light" by the other villagers. Allways willing to lend an ear to the problems of his fellow men, he also helps them sometimes by cleverly reducing their electricity costs, which are constantly raised by the energy company. When he eventually loses his job due to his well-meant manipulations of the meters, he envisions the grand scheme of building a giant wind park which would free his village from the grasp of the company.
Fonte esterna: DFF – Deutsches Filminstitut & Filmmuseum
Diritti: In Copyright / Neue Visionen Filmverleih GmbH (Berlin)
Director: Aktan Arym Kubat
Tipo documento:
Language: de